Pro: Cloning is a method whereby an individual or a couple who is unable to procreate or otherwise obtain a child may get one.
Pro: Cloning affords individuals the opportunity to give their genetic endowment a kind of immortality.
Pro: Cloning enables individuals who cannot or do not wish to have sexual intercourse an opportunity to reproduce.
Con: Cloning humans to use as soldiers, workers or sources for organs denies them many of the rights that societies normally afford human beings, most especially the right to autonomy.
Con: Cloning does not provide the mechanism that sexual reproduction provides for improving the species. Were it to be practiced widely and for many generations, cloning would cause the species to lose its ability to adapt to new environments.
Con: Many people would be unwilling to accept the consequences of some failures in the outcome of cloning. Specifically, many would be unwilling to destroy the physically or intellectually defective humans that could result from the procedure. And few would relish the prospect of caring for the defective humans to the natural end of their lives. If the termination of defective clones were accepted, then the termination of human beings with similar defects might follow.