Should laws permit businesses to offer erotic dancing in private for adults who want it?

Pro: Adults ought to have the right to create and enjoy any kind of entertainment they want, provided that they harm no one and cause no damage to anything. Erotic dancing provides a harmless sexual entertainment for adults. Erotic dancing is no more disruptive to public order than sporting events. It is very much less disruptive to public order than the consumption of alcoholic beverages in bars.

Pro: Erotic dancing is a form of expression, and the protection of freedom of expression is vital to political health of the nation.

Reply: Erotic dancing is not a form of expression; at any rate, it is not a form for the expression of ideas. And freedom for the expression of ideas is what is vital to political health of the nation.

Con: Those who perform erotic dancing for hire in public are degraded by their practice. Those who pay to see erotic dancing are also debased by their choice of entertainment. The demand for sexual titillation results in the exploitation of the dancers and, in turn, the dancers and theaters exploit customers. Too much emphasis gets placed on individual sexual satisfaction and not enough on mutual respect and caring. Erotic dancing distracts individuals from tasks that are more socially useful and constructive.
Erotic dancers tend to be social outcasts. And erotic dancing tends to produce social outcasts. While the remuneration can improve a dancer's material life substantially, the damage to reputation can make any movement into positions of authority in mainstream society impossible.

Reply: If erotic dancers are unlikely to get more respect, they can at least fight for more money and better working conditions. These are the objectives of the performers who want to form unions.

Con: Frustration and unhappiness result when people bring crossed purposes to a relationship. The erotic dancer needs to make a living and so wants to get money for the performance. The viewer of the erotic dance wants sexual excitement and satisfaction, or may want to get a new friend or lover, or may want to have a physical relationship with the dancer. The dancer need not care whether the viewers find satisfaction or not; often, the dancer, often filled with reluctance and resentment, would do only what is necessary to earn a wage. Thus the performer and the audience may come to hate each other.

Con: Erotic dancing for hire in public places for adults corrupts public morality. It reduces the respect human beings have for each other.