How should society treat sexual harassment?

Sexual harassment is not merely irritation. A man who, as a matter of course, calls waitresses 'honey' is, in all probability, not harassing women in this way, although he is very likely to be irritating them. Sexual harassment is not merely intimidation. Men often intimidate other men, women often intimidate other women, and, not counting the times when a homosexual overture is being made, sex (the desire to get sex) is not a factor in these situations. So a power play by a man against a woman or by a woman against a man cannot automatically be called "sexual" harassment. Sexual harassment is a psychological assault by a person or group against a person or group of the opposite sex. It is an assault aimed at people precisely because of their gender, and while it may have many causes, it is fundamentally a manifestation of hatred.

Option: Educate citizens about sexual harassment.