Should laws allow the public to witness executions?

Factor: Desensitization of audience to violence

Con: Viewing executions will desensitize individuals to the taking of human life.

Factor: Appetite of audience for spectacles

Con: Allowing the public to witness executions could stimulate the public's appetite for seeing people executed.

Factor: Changes in popular opinion regarding capital punishment

Pro: There are many ways by which laws may allow the public to witness capital punishment. Executions may be broadcasted on television or recorded and distributed on videotape, or spectators may be admitted to the places for executions-meeting halls, arenas, or stadiums, for example. Popular opinion regarding capital punishment could change if the public is allowed to witness executions: the public would be better informed about the nature of the practice if executions could be viewed.

Factor: Deterrence

Pro: Viewing executions is a way for citizens to learn about the legal consequences of committing the most serious crimes. It is a way to deter citizens from committing those crimes.